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The vision of conscient. cannot be conveyed through traditional methods. Different projects will drop which will all convey different messages. While all of these projects will have different meanings, each project will relate to the overall message in their own way. 


Conscient. is the overall brand and the very first project that is dropping. The designs with this project relate to the overall theme of a conscious freedom - a conscious freedom that is not impacted by self or societal norms. 


There are four designs dropping with this project: Think Freely, A Better Tomorrow, Higher Consciousness, and Minimalist Conscient. Each design has their own meaning, but you have the freedom to attribute your own meaning to each piece of apparel.  

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choose happiness

Choose Happiness is the second project of Conscient. This project shows how each individual is responsible for their own happiness. By limiting the blame from the outside world, each of us can choose happiness and live a happier life. Life is short, so why wouldn't you choose happiness?


"Ultimately, happiness is a choice. The daily events you experience in your life are just events, nothing more than that. You assign meaning to these events and you decide how to respond. Choose to respond with happiness."


live in peace

Live in Peace is our third project dropping, and of course there's meaning behind it. This is a reminder that we can choose to live in peace while alive. We do not have to be at rest to finally be in peace. There's no guarantee of an after life, so make the most of this one.

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A connection felt deeper than the physical. A connection felt deeper than love. A connection felt deeper than soul mates. It is thought that a spiritual soul is too strong for one physical body. Thus, the soul splits into two physical bodies when incarnating on earth. Your twin flame is the second half of your soul. This connection is deeper than the physical and is felt as such. Most of the time, twin flames do not work out. They must learn everything on their own, become the full version of themselves before they can share their soul with someone else. If you don't work out in this life time, you will meet in the nextlife time. It is guaranteed. 

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